Friday, June 6, 2008

Hard at work.. in the kitchen?!

Its been a delightful day in the kitchen! Paris and I had an urge to bake! Bake like no one has baked before! We bought all the cookbooks we could find, tons and TONS of ingredients, and started baking up a feast! Birthday Sandwitches, Stikagoo cakes, Banana Splits, Chocolate krispy treats.. EVERYTHING! Our kitchen looks like it was snowed on with flour! Ill half to use this food for a neiborhood picnic outside! All of you can come too! Thats right.. You! The readers and commenters, and question writers, and friends of Arabian E. Horse! Comment me your usernames and I'll add them all! In another post ill give you the exact time and date to which the picnic will be held. Well Ive got to go! Seems as if a cake is so tall its tipping over toward Paris! Hold it up Paris, while I get the frosting!!!
-Arabian :) I'll post the kitchen pic later. Enjoy my website/blog! :)

Ask Aarrie

Dear Arabian,
I don't understand the whole two emails thingy. Why dont you have just one? This is very confusing to me.
-Confused Kinz
Dear CK,
Yes yes! It is rather confusing is it not? Well, we need to email addresses or else Miss.B and I will be flooded with non-stop emails! So, we needed a specific email for Ask Aarrie and one for emergency questions and asking to meet either Miss.B, Paris, or me. You can ask to meet any other of the stars, ( Refer to Meet the Stars! post ) too. To contact Miss.B email summerbreezevalley(at) and for Ask Aarrie contact summerbreezevalley33(at)
((The (at) means @ ))
Thank you for your question..
Arabian E. Horse

The Wheel Of Wow

Well readers I was taking my daily spin on the Wheel Of Wow, and I figured I'd show you what I won because Ive got nothing else to post currently. Ok, so this is what Ive won. Dont forget to get your daily spin.. on the Wheel Of Wow!


P.S. Have any of you ever gotten the big prizes? Because I always end up 20 kinzcash richer. Every time.. :O

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ask Aarrie!!!!

Right when we thought all would be lost.. right when we thought questions would go completely unanswered.. ( Miss.B only answers emergency questions ONLY. Any questions like "How do I earn lots kinzcash in five minutes???????? " Will immdietly be deleted. ) Ask Aarrie opens up right now.. right today.. right this second.. right..well right NOW!
Here is the Ask Aarrie email address: summerbreezevalley33(at)
Here is Miss.B's email address: summerbreezevalley22(at)
I only put (at) like it is so it doesn't turn into a clickable link. The (at) is actually this@
Email in your questions,to Ask Aarrie address, email in your emergency questions and asks to meet arabian to Miss.B's address. Thanx for reading readers!
-Arabian E. Horse ( Plumpy E. Hippo is my role-model :))

Elvis Brings A Surprise..

Oh my stars! Veiwers have you ever heard of Elvis? Well you may just think he's a rocker fellow who passed away a while back..WRONG! He just simply moved to Japan to visit his best friend KoKo. Well.. KoKo thought it would be great to meet ME! Arabian! So.. Miss.B got her email and she arranged an appointment with us. We met, and she told me all about Mr.Presly. ( Thats Elvis's last name ) So, Elvis has come, and played a concert, and we danced 'till our Blue Swing Shoes couldn't dance anymore! Heres the Private Concert! ( KoKo is the Pink Poodle ) Remember, to get a closer look at all of the screenshots, just click them! :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Behind the Scenes..

Fans.. Its me Arabian with news for YOU! Because your all sitting there thinking to yourselves.." Man.. Arabian and Paris sit in a stuffy ol' office all day doodling.When do they have fun?!" Well... Your wrong! We have fun 24/7! Paris and I decided to show you our Friday night. No where to go.. No one to see, Well.. Miss.B had plenty of appointments lined up for us, but because it was 8:00, we didn't feel up to it. So we went to Paris's Room and watched The Secret Cheif, and listened to music, and randomly danced about. We were having the time of our lives when Lucy walked in saying " Oh my dear! My house has run dry of toothpaste, so I took my milk truck over to ask if I could borrow some.." And she saw

us with popcorn in our laps with loud music, laughing loudly at the television. We were shocked!

First Designer Day

Hello Fans! Its me.. Arabian! My good ol' buddy Paris and I have really been working hard lately. So... we had a small business party! I know i know.. Work before play.. or parties. BUT.. We couldn't resist! Paris even had a dance or two with her presious Dexter. It was all great fun. We had Melanie and SugarCrystal take the picture so thats why they aren't in the picture. NOTE: Only the business team was invited!! Only Dexter was invited because he's a link to Paris's designing.. without that fella her designs wouldn't be a cheerful as they are now! Well, heres our party!